26: The Show Must Go On
Dear Diary:
Whoa! Where was I? Huh, must've dozed off or something. So,
yeah, I came to and all I can think about is Roger, right?
But he's not there, but it's like I can read his thoughts
or something. Messed up. Instead, there's this curly-haired
buffoon hovering over me. Sure, whatever. Anyhow, I got suited
up and went to go save Roger (I think my hair looks really
cool underwater). Because he is forever a louse, he made a
crass comment about wanting "mouth-to-mouth" from
me. Sure, whatever, pal (tee hee!). Moving on, I got hooked
up to Big O and we did some action. It was pretty okay. Then,
it's like everything got reset or something. Weird. I guess
that's it, then. I'll see you later.
Take care,